Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Winding Down as International Puppy 2014

In just a little more than three days, IPC will be anointing the new International Puppy 2015!

And, as I get ready to head out for the fun, the festivities, and the controlled mayhem that almost inevitably results when there’s a large number of pups in one place, I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for the incredible support you’ve all shown me during my time as International Puppy.

It’s been an amazing ride since last November, filled with great people, lots of fun, and plenty of great memories. But it’s also been a reminder of just how great our pup community really is, and to see it all happening on the wider scale… well, it makes me even more happy and proud to be part of it all.

One question I'm getting more as IPC 2015 gets closer is if it bothers me that I've only had 8 months as the titleholder. In truth, not at all. For on thing, I've packed a lot into those 8 months. But also, there will be more for me after this weekend (the fall schedule is already lined up). And I have some idea of what i want to do in the future as well.

Most of all, this is about all of us, and I'm just one small part of it all. And I'm looking forward to having a new brother or sister!

I will be writing a more in-depth reflection of my adventures here in the coming days. But I wanted to go into IPC 2015 weekend by first saying thank you to everyone in this great pack of ours! Y'all are PAWSOME, and I can only hope you believe I represented you all well.

In Puppyhood and Pride,

Pup Tripp
IPC International Puppy 2014

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