Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CLAW: To my Pupbrothers - Thank You!

I don’t think it’s much of a secret that the thing I was most looking forward to at CLAW was the chance to get together with my brother and sister pups, for the classes and the pup events. I’ve said it elsewhere, and it’s important enough to me to bear repeating. Believe me, I was in no way disappointed! Not even the unfortunate shot to the shoulder during Saturday night’s mosh put a damper on that in any way.
I don’t know if I can adequately put into words everything I get from being part of this community. I feel such a strong bond of friendship and common ground with so many of the other pups. Although it doesn’t take much to bring out the playful pup in me under any circumstances, whenever I’m around my pupbrothers, it just bubbles out on its own. Even after 10+ years of being involved in the larger leather community, after a weekend among my brother and sister pups, I feel like it’s all brand new again.
It strikes me as odd just how much more intensely I’ve come to feel all of it over the last year. While my service and commitment to the pup community goes back further, it’s within the last year that it’s taken off so much for me. I’m not sure why that is, but it’s an incredible feeling that’s both re-energizing and humbling. Re-energizing because of just how fresh I feel when coming back out of puppy-time and how it re-focuses me on so many other things I do, both within the community and on the outside.
Humbling because I’m a part of something that is so much more than myself and brings together so many. Humbling because I’m accepted for who and what I am. And humbling because others see me as an alpha among so many with so much to offer.

I want to thank each and every one of you for what is – to me – a gift beyond price. I can only hope to give back a part of what you have all given me so far. I promise to do my best.
Like all of us, it’s back to the every day world for me. But I go knowing that I, as a pup, have a place where I know I belong!

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