Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Handler Named Pup

 I think the most frequent “question” that seems to pop up since collaring boy tom is whether or not I consider myself a Sir now.  Truth be told, I kind of expected something like this. But it wasn’t until recently that I knew how I’d be able to answer it. Even when boy tom first asked me how I should be addressed, I wasn't quite sure.

Thankfully, I got passed that moment of awkwardness. I was fortunate to be able to draw from the wisdom of a few people whom I greatly respect.

Quite simply, I’m “Sir” to boy tom only.  I’m not anyone else’s Sir. I don’t suddenly expect everyone should see me as a Sir or call me one. I’m not going to go out and buy myself a Sir’s cover.  I do take it as a compliment when people choose to call me “Sir” or observe that they view me in a slightly different light than previously. I know it’s meant with respect and I receive it respectfully.

But I know that, inside, I’m still Pup Tripp. I’m still that playful, mischievous alpha pup with the very recognizable bark. I’m still Ken’s huspup. I’m still part of this great community we have – and still consider myself fortunate and blessed to be a part of it. I’m the same person who can look back over where he’s been, see how he’s grown, and accept that it ain’t finished yet.

Have I changed? Yes, I have.  We all do.  Fortunately, I have friends and family (not necessarily bio) that help me keep it all in perspective. From Chris "Woof" Roth using the term "Switch-Pup" to boy scooter reminding me that I still have a place among the DC boys regardless, it was made easier to keep everything in check and remain myself.

So, to those who aren’t sure, just remember, I’m still Pup Tripp. Come what may, and wherever my path may take me, I’m pretty sure that’s one of things that will remain constant.

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