Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Somewhere, in the late watches of the night, as the Moon rides supreme in the sky, the howl begins…

Do I howl in pain, venting my hurts and anger that they do not consume me?

Do I howl in loneliness, hoping another will answer?

Do I howl simply for the joy and wonder in my heart?

The Moon always knows why I howl, even when I may not know clearly myself.

How many things lay hidden in that howl, unnoticed by ears that hear but don’t listen?  For what may seem a lonely lament may often be a free spirit calling out.  What may seem a paean to the wonder of Night is a heart crying out in loneliness.

Listen, not with your ears, but with your heart, to the voice that echoes down the corridors of the Night.  It speaks, not with words, but with feeling deeply rooted.  Let it take you to a place where you no longer need language, where understanding comes directly through the spirit.

And then…only then…can you feel the real power of the chorus when you realize we never truly howl alone.

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